The Stansford family - Marystown, Newfoundland
The Rioux family - Riviere-Du-Loup, Quebec
The Hirds family - Regina, Saskatchewan
The Rosedale Baptist Church - Hammonton, New Jersey
5 Missionaries in Egypt, Iraq, and Syria
The Maietta family - Groseto, Italy
The Kamp family - Alsmere, Holland
Terry Sharp – The Canary Islands
The Bohman family - Kenya and Tanzania
The Bitun family - The Philippines
The De family – India
3 missionaries in China (identity and location concealed)
The Wiebe family - Bolivia
The Pustam family – Trinidad and Tobago
The Dinsmore's - Belize
The Smith family - BIMI, CLAIM ministry
Famine Relief Fund - $100 monthly given to churches of like faith in famine-hit areas of the world as patterned after the church of Antioch in Acts 11:26-30
Dr. Al Stone – Bearing Precious Seed, Canada